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2024 Club Championships

08/09/2024 - 08/10/2024


This tournament is managed using League Master, click the link below for the event information and results.

GB Vets Championships 2024

Match Manager: Geoff Howes
Contact Details: Email: [email protected] Tel: 07836 335494
Website: Website Link
Map: Map Link

A disappointingly smaller than usual entry for the 2024 Club Championships meant that the Tournament matches were played, predominately, all on Sunday 8th September.

With a few players in more than one tournament the logistics of scheduling were complex and a couple found themselves with a very full Sunday, David Parker especially had a busy day.

The youngest age group in the Men’s Singles was the Over 60 with only 4 entries. This was won by Nigel Bacon, beating Teejay Sogunro in the final. The other singles were won by Allen Barwise, Stuart Hardy and Barry Featherstone. Dale McCarter won the Non-County  40-49 and the busy David Parker the 60+ event.

The O’40 Doubles was won by Dermot Hurford and Nigel Stiles, the O’60 by Stuart Hardy and Allen Barwise, Allen having a particularly hard day as he also won the Mixed Doubles with Catherine Ruffle. An error on the marking sheet meant that in this match they played best of 5 to 15 points and the match went the full distance. Geoff Howes and Paul Temple won both the O’70 and O’75 Doubles.

A break was held in the middle of proceedings for the 61st AGM followed by a superb buffet supplied by the catering team at Colets. A big thanks to Colets for again supporting The GB Vets and allowing us to hold our tournament on their courts.

Glassware was awarded to the winning and runner up players with the presentation of the Burrell Trophy to Barry Featherstone and the Norman Hunt Salver to Geoff Howes.

As this was my final tournament as Tournament Director I would like to thank all the players who have supported us over the past 19 years, and thanks also to my main helpers on the finals weekends of Jane Belle, Jackie Kinder and my wife Chris.

I wish Keith Ragg all the best as my successor.

Geoff Howes
Retired Tournament Director

Photos from the day

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